After a whirlwind day of packing & moving from our apartment in Chicago, we spent our first full week of fun-employment in my home state, Michigan. Some of the highlights include:
- Giving Erin a tour of the dense urban environs (this is in fact sarcasm) of the town where I did most of my primary schooling
- Participating in “Be a Tourist In Your Own Town” and exploring East Lansing / MSU’s campus
- Climbing the sand dunes at Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore and hiking around
- Camping at Sleeping Bear at a spot where Lake Michigan was steps away (apparently we got the most coveted camping spot in all of the park according to the park ranger)
- Taking in the sunset over Lake Michigan from the dunes
- Exploring downtown Traverse City and imbibing good beers and cider from local establishments
- Hanging out with the family
- And relaxing and doing absolutely nothing productive, save for the strenuous marathon of “The Wire” on Amazon Instant Video that I partook in
Below are a few of the pictures we took from the past week:
All in all, it was a great way to spend our first full week of freedom. Next up on the docket is the road trip to Erin’s home state of South Dakota, with some pit stops in Iowa and Nebraska.