When we started looking for buses to get from Pucon, Chile to Bariloche, Argentina, we quickly came to the conclusion that there was no direct way to do it and we would have a several hour layover any way we went. Since we don’t really like hanging around bus stations for 4 to 5 hours with all our stuff, we decided to break up the trip and spend a few days in one of the spots we’d have to change buses anyway. We settled on San Martín.
San Martín de los Andes is an adorable little town. Even though we’ve now seen several towns modeled like a European alpine village, this one was my favorite. We only stayed here for two nights but I would go back in a heartbeat. The scenery was beautiful and there were several hikes that we did right from town – always a plus if you don’t have to drive or bus to be able to hike. Here are a few pictures from our visit.